Sunday, May 9, 2010

HW #54- Jung Test Results

INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

The results of this test I felt were accurate. It was useful to see the percentage of each category. My breakdown was:

Introverted (54.55%) vs Extroverted (45.45%)
Intuitive (55.17%) vs Sensing (44.83%)
Feeling (71.43%) vs Thinking (28.57%)
Perceiving (51.61%) vs Judging (48.39%)

It's funny that the difference between my feeling side and my thinking side is such a landslide. Every one who knows me well will tell you this is very true. I'm known to all my family and friends as being "soft". I get very sentimental, and to be honest I am extremely sensitive. When others around me are sad, I literally absorb their sadness. Even as a 5 year old, I would sometimes catch crying spells from other people, even when I had personally been happy just a little while before. Also when watching a movie or hearing a story that touches me, I can't stop thinking about it for days. I become so involved, and I feel the emotions like they happened to me. This is going to sound "lame" to some people, but when I was sick on Friday, I came across Brokeback Mountain on TV. It's one of my favorites, so I watched it. By the end I was crying like a baby, and continued a full 20 min after the movie ended. While other people tear up, I'm going full speed. I used to be embarrassed/shy admitting this, but I can't change who I am. Another movie that gets me in this way is The Changeling. When Carol & I saw it we were both reduced to tears several times (haha I blew your spot carol =p).

In a case of a debate/ conflict, all someone has to do to win me over to that side is the emotional aspect. I respond to pathos above anything. I know people who are not close to me probably do not see this side of me, but to be honest its the main side of me. The truth is I am very guarded and private, and I'd like to keep myself, well, to myself. Of course to the people I'm close to, I open up. But otherwise, I don't. So when I interact with others on a superficial level, I keep it as just that. I try to just be a generic person. I may even come across as cold, sarcastic, and a load of other things which I definitely can't identify with. My dad especially complains that I am a very cold person, and that no one around me would know I cared. My extended family who I am not close to, often warns that when I get in a relationship, even if he is the perfect guy I would not show any affection. That kind of worries me that they think this, because it couldn't be further from what I feel inside. It's something I've struggled with my whole life; how do I show/ express to others the depth of what I'm actually feeling? I feel like with a few people I have gotten to that point, but I want to know how is it possible to be this way with everyone? To give them a sense of how I am, yet not reveal too much. I guess this is the problem.

I guess this would also qualify me as introverted, like the test says. I really do need my alone time. I actually like spending time by myself. It gives me the chance to listen to what I want and what I'm feeling. It's not uncommon for me to just spend hours thinking. About me, about other people, about life in general. I'm not saying my thoughts are profound; I'm definitely no genius. But I sure do have a lot of them. Recently insomnia has been running my life. When I lay down around 12, I don't fall asleep until 2 or 3. I'm not necessarily stressed, I'm just thinking. Since I'm so busy during the day, the night is my time for me. I kind of divide it between thinking and sleeping, which causes me to be extra tired. But I can't deny myself that time or else I'd probably go crazy. On the other hand, when I am done being alone, I am done. I want to be around people, or else I get really lonely, to the point where it creeps me out.

Hm, now to intuitive. Well I'd like to think that I am. I have kinda have this knowing of who to trust and who not to trust. Who I would be friends with, and for how long, even from the first time I meet them. I also know what problems a potential relationship will have, and I kind of know how far it will go, or if it's right for me. So far, the answer has been no on all counts (sigh), so I haven't bothered to enter something for the short term that's all wrong for me anyway. But I know people far more intuitive than myself, so I don't feel all special. For example, my mother's best friend is super intuitive. That woman is amazing with what she can get from people. I swear it verges on psychic. She met my cousin when she was engaged to this guy Steve, and she told us that they would never get married, but that she would meet another man within a year, marry, and have a child with him. But that they would divorce. Low and behold, the engagement with Steve broke off, she met Dimitri 3 months later, he proposed a few months after that, they are now married, and she is pregnant. They are also having major problems. Who really would have been able to say all of that?

As for perceiving vs. judging, I must say I'm a little disappointed the numbers where so close. I consider myself to be very open minded, and my knee jerk reaction would be to say I generally reserve judgment. But if I am to be honest, I would say that yes, I am open minded, but I also uphold myself and others to certain moral standards. To me doing the "right thing" is everything. This can even be in simple things like if someone gives you too much money by accident, you give them back the excess. It really truly disturbs me when someone would be greedy enough not to. I guess in this sense I am judgmental, because after a person does one or two things I deem not right, it does change my perception of them. This is NOT to say that there haven't been times where I haven't disappointed myself, or that I don't have so much more to learn, fix, and resolve about myself. I don't think that ever ends; perfection is unattainable, but it is important to keep developing nonetheless. What I am trying to say is that in my core, I believe I am a good person, and I really do allow my moral compass to guide me (corny, corny, but true).

I guess this test has been helpful in getting me to identify key aspects of who I am. It affirms my belief about certain things such as career path, and life goals. It also makes me question certain things, like how I can conquer my fears, and how I can be more transparent when it comes to my interaction with others...

Right now, I am safely opaque.

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