Thursday, May 6, 2010

HW # 53- Survey Analysis

Part I-

Yes, I chose to take the survey.

Part II-

Taking the survey was relatively easy for me, I did not surprise myself with how I "really" felt or answered. There where several questions that stood out, one being "You understand the adult in your household as a person". For me, the adult in my household is my mother, and I am lucky to have a very good relationship with her. I tell her everything, and she does likewise. We are super busy during the week, but on the weekends, usually Sunday night, we start talking at around 10 pm and can go on till 1 or 2 am. I genuinely enjoy talking to her, both sharing my own life, and listening to hers. I am grateful that my mom and I have such a close relationship, because I know many teens do not have one. Many teens feel the need to lie to their parents about what they are doing, where they are and who they are with. I have never lied to my mother about any of those things. I tell her the truth, and this is a big reason why she trusts me. In turn, she also tell me the truth about everything. Also, we have our fun moments too, when we just laugh so much we cry. My sister is very close to both me and my mom as well, so we have our little unit of 3. No matter what drama happens in the surrounding family, or what stress life may bring, we have each other and that's what matters.

Part III-
Overall, the results paint a picture of a much better family dynamic that what I had expected. Based on the in-class survey and discussions, I was expecting to see more "shocking" results. Instead, the answers are tame, and do not show anything spectacular, but nothing horrible either. What stuck out to me was, for all the complaining that people do, 55% of them answered that they have never wished to be part of another family. To me what this shows is that when it comes down to it, people really love their families. It doesn't matter how much they complain or how much they claim to "hate" their parents, there is still that deeply rooted love, followed by loyalty; even if it's shit, it's our shit.

Another thing that stood out is that 33% said that they sometimes do stupid things they don't enjoy in order to fit in. I have a hard time understanding this. So you want to fit in with people you deem stupid? It makes no sense to me, I would rather be the outcast in a stupid crowd. I think people need to have a better sense of self worth, so that they don't seek the validation from peers in dumb ways like doing drugs, drinking, having unwise sex, and molding themselves into someone else. There is nothing about being drunk or high that you should be proud of, honestly the people who brag about it look stupid and sloppy. Anyone can get drunk and throw up in a toilet. But not everyone can have good character. It takes ongoing work to be the best person you can be, and that is something to have pride in. In this world, there is only one thing that no one can ever take from you, and that is your name; your reputation. Based on this, you will attract certain types of people, and situations into your life. So choose it wisely.

Part IV-
The survey I read said that 20% of high schoolers in the US have smoked a cigarette within the past 30 days. This number sounds pretty low, it's not as overwhelming as I thought it would be. Then again, the United States does not have a big smoking culture like that of other countries. I think though that this number would be higher if the survey took place at SOF. Going and coming back from lunch, as well as after school, there are several clusters of students practicing the "cool pose" with a cigarette oh-so-nonchalantly lit up, resting in the corner of their mouth. I find it interesting that they display it like this, so that everyone knows just who the smokers are. Growing up with my dad smoking a pack a day definitely drew me to it, I'm not gonna lie. Unlike others, I love the smell of a cigarette, not how "cool" you look smoking it. I don't mind walking behind a smoker in the street, because I get to inhale a little bit. Or when hanging out with smoking family/friends, I enjoy it even more. But I have never actually smoked a cigarette myself. And I will try to keep it this way (until I'm old at least, then to the hell with it, I don't got a life ahead of me).

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