Monday, February 22, 2010

Initial Internet Research on Schooling

Source 1-

"The meaning of education"

A. This article outlines different perspectives on the purpose or reason why people get educated. It starts by presenting the ancient Greek idea of education, and talks about Socrates' belief of education. In addition, it includes several quotes from different more modern day people. The most interesting part perhaps is the table towards the bottom, which shows the skills learned in school, and then relates them to a fundamental skill or societal function that must be preformed and mastered in order to sustain the society.

B. This article is a basic, easy read, and can prove to be useful for the background history of school (Socrates) as well as for the table, which makes it easy to relate tasks in school to "real" life or society outside the school institution.

Source 2-

A. This article also outlines the reasons we attend school, however this one provides what they propose to be the "true reason"so it is not objective like the last one. This one focuses on Bill Beattie, who claims that education is a tool that teaches us how to think, but not what to think. This is near impossible in my opinion, because by teaching one a method of thinking, they are also instilling in them certain belief systems, that will undoubtedly affect what the student comes to think and believe. Thoughts are a slippery slope, because it is hard to tell which ones are yours and which have been taught to you so many times that it seems to have become you.

B. This article is useful because it provides an idealized view of what modern day schooling is supposed to provide. It can help you see the flaws in the system and begin to question some of the outlined goals.

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