Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Updated Art Project Cool

* Sorry it's late, but we finally got it to work*

My group for this art project was Carol and Moe. We were all hanging out on a Saturday, and decided we were going to film our project then. We came up with the idea of making a list of "8 rules to be cool". We were then going to act out each rule. When we started filming though, nothing really worked out because it wasn't coming across the way we wanted to (watch the bloopers to see what I mean). We decided to take a break, and started having random conversations. I realized that the conversations might actually be good to use in the video, so I subtly sneaked off and brought the camera. Of course they all noticed, so I admitted I was going to film them, but not tell them when. So for the first 10 min I just sat there listening, not recording. As the conversation picked up, I turned the camera on and started recording. No one noticed, which was good because I feel like the conversation at least came out authentic. Watching it back, it's defiantly a typical convo.

The insight from the video is basically comparing different lifestyles, and seeing the difference between what Moe's cultural map tells him is cool, and what Cindy's cultural map tells her is cool. Moe's map tells him that he shouldn't spend time partying or drinking because it's immoral, while Cindy sees having her friends drop $1,000 a night in liquor she gets to drink and party in the club with as living a fun, cool life. The part where Moe questions her about it, and she shrugs it off shows that our cultural maps are hard if not impossible to change. As a side note, Kayla (the girl who was on her phone the entire time) wasn't a part of the conversation because she doesn't speak english.

I think that making art is cool, because it allows others to get a glimpse into one's perspective; into their cultural map. If it's well done, we can even understand them, and it can help us see why they are who they are. It can also help us understand the reason behind someone's pose, find a little of ourselves in it, and see how everyone is connected simply by humanity. I wouldn't include our video in that category though, what is shown is just an unscripted, random conversation amongst friends.

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