Monday, April 26, 2010

HW #49- Class Film

A. Personal contribution-
My class didn't have a film up, so I watched "The Teacher" instead. I had no contribution in this film.

B. Analysis of the Message and Tone-
The message of the film seemed to be that teachers are not saviors. In the film, the teacher had his own personal issues with alcoholism. This problem was fairly obvious, however the students seemed oblivious to this as they were each wrapped up in their own little dramas. These students are not an extraordinary case; they are the typical urban city class. Towards the end of the short film, the teacher becomes fed up with the students babbling away nonsense, and perhaps with the help of a little liquid courage, begins to tear away at their carefully crafted yet casually presented facade. At first, the students fall to silence, and listen to the teachers insights on why they will not succeed in dominant society if they continue doing what they're doing (which presumes that he has apparently "succeeded", despite the heavy alcohol consumption). After a brief pause of digestion, the students seem to unanimously conclude that nothing important was said, and return to their daily routine.

C. Contrast the Film with Savior/Teacher Films-
I think this film was far more realistic, if more depressing than the savior/teacher genre of films. Both started with the same setup- an unruly classroom of unmotivated students. And both had that breakthrough moment of the teacher giving a wake up call. However, instead of succeeding to get through to them as in the savior films, this teacher was not successful, and the students where not responsive. I feel this is much more representative of the true state of most schools.

D. Connection between Salvation/Education-
Most of the films that we've watched this unit, and even the class film "The Teacher" portrays students receiving an education that will hopefully bring them salvation- help them rise above their current conditions and learn the basic skills of navigating society. In some of these films, the students were saved, and in others, they were not, which was portrayed as catastrophic. But films like "the teacher" raise a very important question- what happens when the students don't want to be saved? Like the line goes, there's no one you can save that can't be saved. Are some people just unsave-able?

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