Monday, October 5, 2009

Internet Research (HW #10)

I tried to find something about the kids from Japan we talked about in class who had their parents bring them food and never left their room, but my google search wasn't successful. I found this article instead, that talks about how parents have to adjust to raising kids that are so digitalized. The parents complain that their kids text during dinner, watch TV on their computers in class (college age group that is), and are overall very absorbed in the digital world. The parents note how at family get-togethers, the kids have a hard time being in the moment, because they want to answer their texts and be on their phone.

That's kind of excessive because being with your family is supposed to be fun, or if it's bad, at least it's supposed to draw you into the present moment. These kids seem to have created their own world that allows them to withdraw from their surroundings, and I can imagine why their parents don't like that. And I can only imagine by the time that I have kids, how many more gadgets there will be to draw them in. I just hope younger teens, or kids like my sister, learn to enjoy physical life and find it sufficient and satisfying so they will not leap at the chance to escape and delve so deeply into the digital realm.

I don't know, I feel like a lot of this digital "progress" our society has been making will come and bite us in the ass one day. We're devaluing nature and the natural world so much, it's crazy.

This article describes how an 18 year old Florida boy sent a naked picture of his girlfriend to her family and friends after they got into an argument. The police were notified, and he was arrested and charged with child pornography (his girlfriend was 16). He was convicted, and was sentenced to 5 years probation along with being required to register as a sex offender, according with state laws.

I know this sexting thing is becoming a big deal, and more and more teens are being caught doing it. What I don't get is how all of these teens are being prosecuted because of it. I mean, this couple was together for 2 and a half years, the chances that they had physical sex are overwhelming. In school, we are even taught about the tactics of safe physical sex, implying that we are going to be having it. In some cases condoms are even provided. Yet when this teen sent out pictures of his girlfriend naked (which she took, at her own free will) he can get punished for it. Morally, I think what he did was really messed up, but I don't think he should have to be registered as a sex offender for it (which only was the case because of her age). I don't really get why the government restricts what you can and cannot do with your own body. Of course, if this girl was 10, it would be a whole different story, or if the picture was taken without her knowledge somehow. But this was 2 teenagers willingly having a long lasting sexual relationship with each other. It should not be a legal case.

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