Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Video Project

Video Project from e s on Vimeo.

After watching my video, I noticed that even though I'm not doing anything else, I don't really look absorbed or particularly interested in what I'm doing. This is how I felt when I was recording it, because I had a long day, and I just wanted some time to myself. But towards the end of the video, when conversations started to get more interesting I couldn't help but be pulled in more, and even after the video ended, I kept texting (although not exclusively like in the video).

I wouldn't want my sister or future child to spend a lot of time doing this kind of stuff, because even though there are both positive and negative effects, I think that the negatives are more pronounced and significant. Already though, I notice my sister has become attached to the TV and it bothers me because I was never like that when I was little. But when my sister comes home from school, she always asks me if she can watch TV and I tell her after she does her homework. So after she finishes, I let her put it on but then after about an hour I tell her to turn it off and she starts shouting and screaming "NO! NO!" and I try to explain to her why I don't want her to watch it. It works and she eventually turns it off but not after 20 min of screaming and crying and kicking.

As for ideas like the Wii, I do think it is supposed to make the contrast less stark, but at the same time, I do think that it's less harmful than other digital devices. Even though it's better to exercise outside, or playing the real sport, at least with the Wii people can still move around and play with other actual people.

1 comment:

  1. Ellen,

    I liked how in your video whe can actually see how your feeling. It shows that even though you into this whole digital world, you still have emotions and your still thinking about the long day you had.So in some occasions all this technology doesnt keep our minds off of things, for too long atleast.

    I can see where your coming from when you say that as conversations started to get more interesting you felt even more pulled into it. Sometimes even though you really arent into it you keep do it, and eventually your oulled in.

    The video connects to mine cuz where are doing the same things. I connect to you worrying about your sister, as do i with mine. It just seems as though technology is just affecting kids even earlier than before. When i was gone the only digital device i was hooked on ws tv, and it wasnt even fr too long, i was ended up playing "house" or what not with my cousin.

    Your video wa good, i guess like mine you could have added scenes with other digital use. Maybe develop your ideas on how digitalization makes you feel better,worse, the same during the day. When your feeling dow, happy? what does it do to you?

    Your video helped me think about not texting so much, especially if i really dont feel like it. Sometimes im just on my phone with nothing to do, when i pould easily find something to do elsewhere.

    I enjoyed your video. Thanks.
