Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Interviews and Surveys

Interviewing my Mom:

Me: How many hours would you say you spend using digital devices?

Mom: Well in my job, I have to use the computer almost the whole time, so around 8 or 9 hours a day. People used to walk over to each others office and talk about what was going on, but now everyone e-mails each other. It gets tiring for me because so many hours in front of the computer, I get a headache. But when your boss and your co-workers are e-mailing you, you have to respond. I don't really have a choice.

Me: Is there any other digital device you use besides the computer? And how much time do you spend on it?

Mom: Oh yes, I forgot of my cell phone. This is the only other one. I only use it for phone calls, and they only go on for a couple minutes.

Me: Do you think that we (me & my sister) spend too much time using digital devices?

Mom: Mmh...yes I do. Your sister, she gets so attached to the TV now and that worries me. I think it makes her more nervous...I think this is the word I'm not sure...(describes it to me in Greek...the word is not exactly nervous, but more like agitated). And you, I trust you. Your 17 and know how to make your own choice. Compared to other kids, they are addicted but I don't think it's an addiction for you.

Me: Thank you.

Interviewing Strangers:

Me: (explaining about the class)

Stranger one: Ok, no problem.

Me: How many hours would you say you spend using digital devices?

Stranger One: Eh, about 4 or 5. That's time on the TV and time on my phone.

Me: Do you think this is too much time? Have you ever considered disconnecting for a while?

Stranger One: I don't think it's too bad. Disconnecting? Nah, I don't think I could do that. I need my cell phone man.

Me: Thanks for your time.

Me: (explaining about the class)

Stranger Two: Sure thing.

Me: How many hours would you say you spend using digital devices?

Stranger Two: I hate all those gadgets! I do admit though, I have a cell phone, a TV and a computer, even if they are all the simplest models out there. I would say collectively about an hour to two hours on a bad day. Even though I have 'em I don't use 'em a lot.

Me: What would you say are companies motives for pushing technology so hard? Does the government also have a motive for it?

Stranger Two: Yes! They both have motives. I think companies do it for the money, and the government does it to suppress any adversion there might be. I think they don't want folks to get riled up while they pull their shady tactics. They want us to be too caught up in fantasyland while they screw with the real world.

Me: Thank you for your time.

Interviewing my Best Friend:

Me: How many hours would you say you spend using digital devices?

Kat: Wow, a lot. Like I'm always plugged in somehow. I need music to survive, so my ipod is a must. I use my phone constantly to stay in touch with people, and the computer is just a must in college. Like, it would be completely impossible to get any work done without it. So I think I'm always using it in some way, like 24/7.

Me: Do you feel that there is a separation between the digital self and the physical self? Is one authentic and the other inauthentic, or fabricated?

Kat: Yea, there's a separation. When your talking to someone in person, it's much harder to control your initial reaction to things. When you use digital things you can control every piece of what you put out there, you kinda create the ideal you. For the authentic & inauthentic thing...umm I mean it really depends on the person. Most are more authentic in person than on a screen, but some may be authentic on both, others in neither.

Me: Thanks!

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